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Cuurently in development:

Dear Dead Doctor - A documentary theater production with the Sono-Choreographic Collective; Premiere on 28.6.24 in Theater im Depot, Dortmund. Tickets

Making Good Again -  (Wiedergutmachung) / Documentary film In development, to be released in 2026


1-5/2/24               Bear Nudging at Pleasures in the Dark

Ensemble Neue Vocalsolisten at ECLAT festival, Stuttgart

12/11/23              72 Prompts for RODA

Esemble Radar at Klangwerkstadt festival, Berlin

18-22/10/23        Twenty Springs

Common Ground’s sonic environment,  stemming from the Sono-Choreographic Collective’s collaborative research on per-sonifying permafrost data on exhibition, together with a Guided Concert and Listening Session at Malmö Konsthall.

13/10/23               Instrumentalities

Concert-Lecture at Impuls festival, Leipzig

02/09/23              Instrumentalities

Commoun Ground’s Concert-Lecture, Academy for Theatre and Digitality, Dortmund

09/06/23              Instrumentalities 

Commoun Ground’s Concert-Lecture, Ringlokschuppen, Mülheim an der Ruhr at the DGL annual conference

12/10 - 10/11/22    Common Grounds

A sound and light installation, sonifying arctic weather dataat the AWI campus in Potsdam, details here

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